The Wrong Move For The Right Reasons

I can without a doubt say that there is nothing I wouldn’t do for my husband. The man is not just bound to me by a signature on a license issued by the state of Oklahoma. If ever the phrase souls mates applied, it would be to us.

When you love someone with such love, you want the very best for them. As your spouse’s helpmate you want to give them sound advice from your perspective and encourage them in what they do. But what happens when your advice and encouragement, no matter how good the reasons seem, end up being wrong? How do you ease the pain in your heart when you watch them try to recoup and recover from the endgame of that misstep? How do you not feel responsible and the weight of accountability?

When you love someone so much that you would without hesitation lay down your life for theirs, how can you not be heartsick when the arguments you made for a situation have crumbled like sand on a cliff?

So, here we sit, with a pile of sand around us trying to start the rebuild on the castle, but it feels like we are placing each grain with a pair of tweezers and a magnifying glass. And while it’s hard and it’s a fight, it’s one we will make together like we always do, because of that love. That depth defying love and holds us when nothing else will.

As for myself, while I still feel the weight of responsibility, it won’t stop me from continuing to fight with him and offer my thoughts and advice. It’s what you do in a partnership. And through it all, I will love him all the more. When we come out in the other side, we will step back and look at what we have recreated for ourselves and know that no matter what, we are always and forever. Music inspiration by Home Free: Everything Will Be Okay